creative Studio

From Heart to Heart

Most of our daily life is ruled by our mind - rational and rule-based - hardly any passion.
Whether we try to conform expectations, guide-lines, rules, attitudes, processes, our environment, family, friends, jobs or, or, or – our daily schedule is almost running in a minute-cycle.

“So sorry, I can’t …. no time…. I’m in a hurry….I have an appointment here … I have to go there…. have to this or that first…..maybe another time, sorry.”

How many times we heard such excuses or made them by ourselves.  

Each day we depend on our energy-level – more or less consciously. Mostly we get aware of our energy-level, when we’re going through “bad” times. Then we feel, tired, worn-out, trashed, unmotivated and our self-esteem and happiness shrinks permanently – sometimes even below zero.  

Most of our tries to balance our energies – are focused on the outside – weather we look for therapies, drugs, diets, methods, other people opinions - we are always seeking help on the outside.

Without somebody or something particular, we can’t overcome our problem – is what drives us.

We clutch at every straw we can reach.
We think by eliminating the symptoms we get rid of the problem.
This is why we fall back into our energy-wholes every time again when we are confronted by new challenges and problems.  

It’s like doing the same thing over and over again – and each time expecting different results – INSANE.  

To escape from this hamster wheel we need to get out of our head into our heart and start learning to trust our heart again – this is when we communicate with all that is, this is when we are connected.  

At every moment our feelings reveal our condition, our state of health – pitifully we don’t pay too much attention to them or sometimes none at all.

The communication of the heart is the language of the universe – a communication which doesn’t need any words – a communication which overcomes every language barrier.  

Heart communication is passion.
Heart communication is creation and expression.
Heart communication is universal, natural and lies within each and every one of us – we only have to remember and be aware of who we really are.

The journey to our heart

How long the trip to your heart will be – depends on how much “travel” experience you already have. Like on any other trip it takes you more or less time, depending on how good you know the place you travel to, and is more or less exhausting, depends on how high the mountain is you planned to climb and how trained you are.

The following steps I work with:

  • becoming aware
  • let go self-imposed limitations
  • make your decision
  • express yourself and create your life

All steps are Milestones – and every end is a new beginning.
The crossover from one step to the other is fluently and never fix.
There is no “right” or “wrong” and the steps are iterating.
What feels right for you – is right for you.

On the following pages I will introduce to you - in a simple and understanding way - the new awarenes of science and how we can apply them into our daily life.

I will show you how to become your own life-creator.

First it might sound completely strange in comparison of what you learned so far.
Hint: best is to try to forget everything you've been told so far about life and just be open minded.
At the end you decide and find out if this new awarenes is resonating with you.

Lot's of fun :-)